Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Looking for the best Choices in Skin care

Acne pimples can quickly become a nightmare especially if they are frequent! Here are five totally natural tips for fighting these blemishes. Small pimples, no more than large ones, are welcome on our skin. To effectively fight against acne, industrial products are not necessarily the most respectful of our epidermis. Here are five natural remedies.

Tomato or lemon

The tomato is antioxidant but it is also a shock ally to fight against acne pimples which sometimes disfigure us - especially when placed on the nose or in the middle of the forehead. For this recipe, it's very simple: cut a tomato (preferably organic) in slices and apply these on your face for twenty minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water. Your skin is healthy and clean!

If your skin is not too sensitive, opt for lemon. It cleans and acts as an antibacterial. Using a cotton swab soaked in freshly squeezed lemon juice, place a few drops on the areas to be treated. Does it tingle a little? It's normal. Let sit for a few minutes then rinse with clear water. In case of the Skin Care Clinic Vancouver this is important.

On the side of vegetable oils

Other effective and natural solutions are found on the side of vegetable oils and essential oils. To do this, mix with a vegetable oil of jojoba, cumin or hazelnut, two drops of essential oil of tea-tree and apply on the buttons. Noble laurel, lemon grass or lavender essential oils are also recommended. You can use them alternately.

Apple cider vinegar

We often talk about apple cider vinegar in natural remedies or grandmother recipes. Normal, it is an ideal product which cleanses the area to be treated. With a small cotton ball or a compress soaked in this vinegar, place a few drops on the pimples or the area affected by acne. Leave to stand then rinse with lukewarm water.

The aim of the game is also to reduce or even completely eliminate the products (gels, masks and creams of all kinds) from the industry which will degrease, strip, unclog your skin too violently to deprive it of the hydrolipidic film protective.

A treatment based on green clay

Green clay powder, crushed or ready to use is one of the classics of soft and natural medicine and has its place in your pharmacopoeia. If you choose powdered superfine clay, mix it with water (with a wooden spoon and not stainless steel, it is important). When the consistency is sufficiently smooth and pasty, apply it to the buttons. Let sit until the clay is completely dry (the clay cracks and becomes lighter) then remove by rinsing with lukewarm water. The pores are clean and the button, dried, will disappear soon!